Bollywood actor Pankaj Tripathi’s father, Banaras Tiwari, passed away at the age of 99 on Monday. Tripathi and his family confirmed the news, expressing their sadness in a statement. “It’s with a heavy heart to confirm that Pankaj Tripathi’s father, Pandit Banaras Tiwari, is no more. He lived a wholesome life of 99 years,” the statement read.
The last rites of Banaras Tiwari will be performed in Pankaj Tripathi’s hometown of Belsand village in Gopalganj, Bihar. Tripathi has already left for the village to be present during the final rituals.
Bollywood star Akshay Kumar also expressed his sorrow at the demise of Tripathi’s father in a post on X (formerly Twitter). He wrote in Hindi, “Deeply saddened by the news of the demise of my friend and co-star @TripathiiPankaj’s father. No one can fulfill the absence of parents. May God give place to his father’s soul at his feet. Om Shanti.”
मेरे मित्र और सह कलाकार @TripathiiPankaj के पिताजी के देहांत के समाचार से बहुत दुःख हुआ। माँ बाप की कमी कोई पूरी नहीं कर सकता। प्रभु उनके पिताजी की आत्मा को अपने चरणों में जगह दें।ॐ शांति
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) August 21, 2023
In interviews, Pankaj Tripathi has often spoken fondly about his parents and his farming roots. Both Pankaj Tripathi and Akshay Kumar have worked together in films like ‘Bachchan Pandey’ and the recently released drama film ‘OMG 2’.
“OMG 2,” written and directed by Amit Rai, explores various issues concerning teenagers, including sex education. The film, starring Yami Gautam in the lead role, hit the screens on August 11 and has been produced by Cape of Good Films and Wakaoo Films.
The film’s success at the box office has been noteworthy. It recently entered the ₹100 crore club, with a total India collection of ₹113.67 crore. Despite competition from other releases, “OMG 2” managed to maintain its strong performance, as evidenced by its box office figures over the weekend.
“Critical acclaim is important… But audience validation is the ultimate reward… #OMG2 puts up a SOLID SHOW in Weekend 2… To withstand a GOLIATH like #Gadar2 is a humongous achievement… [Week 2] Fri 6.03 cr, Sat 10.53 cr, Sun 12.06 cr. Total: ₹113.67 cr. #India biz. #Boxoffice,” commented trade analyst Taran Adarsh on Instagram.
Presented by Viacom18 Studios, “OMG 2” is regarded as a spiritual sequel to the 2012 film “OMG – Oh My God!”. The passing of Pankaj Tripathi’s father is a moment of mourning for the entertainment industry, and his contributions as an actor continue to be celebrated by his colleagues and audiences alike.