Lana Del Rey Spotted Working at Waffle House

Recently, singer-songwriter Lana Del Rey was spotted working at a Waffle House in Alabama, and pictures and videos of her behind the counter have gone viral on the internet. The 38-year-old US pop artist was seen brewing coffee and taking orders while donning a uniform and name tag, as reported by Independent.


In one video, a fan filmed Lana Del Rey making coffee and captured her playful reaction when she noticed being recorded. She jokingly said, “Oh look at this guy! Oh god, Charlie don’t film him without his permission.” The video’s caption exclaimed, “Lana Del Rey working at a Waffle House today!” It quickly spread across social media, leaving fans both amused and curious about her unexpected stint at the restaurant.


Coinciding with the release of her new album, “Did You Know That There’s a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd,” this unusual sighting sparked confusion among social media users. Some wondered if her restaurant appearance was part of a music video, while others suggested starting a gofundme campaign to support her music career.


The reactions from fans were a mix of excitement and surprise. One user expressed the desire to contribute to a gofundme campaign to help Lana record music again. Another delighted fan mentioned that Lana’s spontaneous actions always brighten their day.


The encounter left many fans in awe, as one user exclaimed, “Imagine casually going to a waffle house and seeing LANA DEL REY!” People couldn’t help but notice her apparent joy while working at the Waffle House, with a user commenting, “She looks so happy working there!”


The impromptu gig of Lana Del Rey at the Waffle House not only amused fans but also showcased her down-to-earth and approachable nature. Her viral appearance demonstrated how she continues to captivate her audience, even in the most unexpected places.

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