Delhi Imposes 29-Day Curfew and Flight Restrictions

Delhi Police's all-women contingent marched down the Kartavya Path for the first time in history.

Delhi is currently experiencing a 29-day curfew from January 18 to February 15, enforced by the Delhi Police, as part of heightened security measures for the Republic Day celebration. The curfew may be withdrawn earlier based on the security situation. This decision is aimed at ensuring public safety and preventing potential threats during significant events.


One of the key aspects of the curfew is the prohibition of flying sub-conventional aerial platforms, including paragliders, paramotors, UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), and other related devices. The Delhi Police issued an official statement expressing concerns about the possible misuse of these aerial platforms by criminal or anti-social elements. The ban encompasses a wide range of devices, such as para-gliders, hang gliders, micro-light aircraft, hot air balloons, quadcopters, and even para-jumping from aircraft.


The order, issued by Sanjay Arora, Commissioner of Police, Delhi, is aligned with the guidelines of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India. It invokes Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, and Govt. of India, Ministry of Home Affairs’ Notification No. U-11036/3/1978 (i) UTL, dated 01.07.1978. These legal measures empower law enforcement agencies to maintain public order and security.


In addition to the curfew, flight operations at Delhi Airport are also impacted by restrictions during specific hours. The Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL) has issued a separate order restricting flight movements between 10:20 am and 12:45 pm from January 19 to January 26. This is part of an integrated effort to enhance security protocols during the Republic Day period.


The comprehensive security arrangements extend beyond the curfew and flight restrictions. More than 8,000 police personnel have been deployed across the city to monitor and manage security during the Republic Day celebrations and the upcoming Ram temple event. Night patrol teams are actively overseeing establishments such as hotels, guest houses, and dharamshalas, with a particular focus on areas near railway stations and inter-state bus terminals.


The overarching goal of these security measures is to safeguard public safety, prevent potential threats or disturbances, and ensure the smooth conduct of significant events. The duration of the curfew, set for 29 days, reflects the importance attached to maintaining a secure environment during this period. However, the withdrawal of the curfew may be considered earlier based on the evolving security situation.


As Delhi residents navigate the curfew, law enforcement agencies remain vigilant to address any emerging challenges and maintain a high level of preparedness. The collaborative efforts between the Delhi Police, aviation authorities, and other stakeholders underscore the commitment to creating a secure environment for residents and visitors alike.

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